Document Object Model (DOM)

Document Object Model (DOM)

The DOM, or Document Object Model, is a programming interface for web documents, like HTML or XML documents. It determines what content is on a page and how each element within it relates to each other.

It provides a way for a programmer to manipulate the contents of a web page in a structured manner, allowing them to change the document's content, style, and event handling.  In other words, the DOM provides a logical representation of a web document. Developers can programmatically modify the document in order to make it more interactive or dynamic.

What does a DOM look like?

The DOM is a logical representation of a web document, so it doesn't have a specific visual representation. However, you can imagine it as a data structure called a tree.

The document itself at the root of the tree, and each element in the document forms a node in the tree. Each node in the tree can have children nodes, representing the different elements that are contained within it.

For example, an HTML document might have a <body> element as a child node of the root <html> element, which in turn has several <p> elements as child nodes representing the different paragraphs on the page. The DOM allows a developer to navigate this tree-like structure in order to manipulate the different elements on the page.

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